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Donate and get VIP-previlegies and VIP-slot, LORD-status

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Donate support rent servers and use extended VIP and LORD previlegies  to BF4 or MOH-2010 !

Know more info - press link:


(14 servers)



(2 servers)









  • After activated status not can be change to other status
  • LORD, VIP status not move to other nick (changed nick or move to other player)
  • If abuse - then LORD-status move to VIP-status
  • Donate not back if You stopped use Donate status with any reason
  • LORD-status aktive - when aktive VIP-status. If VIP did OFF, then LORD too will did OFF.

Поддержите аренду серверов и воспользутесь привилегиями ВИП или ЛОРД-статуса в МОН-2010 или БФ4!

Узнать подробнее - нажмите ссылку:


(14 серверов)


(2 сервера)






ПРАВИЛА: пожертвовать можно без комиссии с любой банковской карты, Cбербанк, яндекс-деньги

  • После применения статус не меняется на другой до конца срока использования.
  • ЛОРД, ВИП-статус не переносится на другой ник (смена ника или другому игроку)
  • При злоупотреблении ЛОРД преобразуется в ВИП-статус
  • При досрочном прекращении пользование ВИПом пожертвование не возвращается.
  • ЛОРД работает только при включенном ВИП-статусе.

PAYPAL account (Euro only!): rambler.ru@yandex.com |
Or use this PAYPAL link for donate: https://www.paypal.me/FUNCCLAN

Пожертвование через Yandex-money: (руб) rub only.
Ваш ВЗНОС (только рубли) на поддержку серверов через Яндекс-деньги (банк. картой)


BF4 RU Servers
VIP-players with VIP-slot RU servers only:

  • TISHKA_DRONT - full VIP - main donator
  1. Stalker_BJ_ - full VIP (15.07.2015 - 15.07.2017)


  1. Trajan1 (17.04.2017 - 17.10.2017 )
  2. deepbluemorocco (13.01.2017 - 13.11.2017)
  3. Oformitel77 (26.01.2017 - 26.10.2017)
  4. iAix (05.04.2017 - 05.10.2017)
  5. Kotovskin (01.06.2017-01.11.2017)
  6. II--djMANGO--II (24.07.2017 - 24.09.2017) PEHOTA
  7. 1_DIVERSANT (26.07.2017 - 26.09.2017) POBEDA, PEHOTA, bonus GOLMUD RU
  8. MaDCaT_P4F (07.08.2017 - 07.10.2017) PEHOTA
  9. LowSprings (07.08.2017 - 07.10.2017) PEHOTA and OFF cross ban in pbbans.com

LORD-players in RU BF4:

  • TISHKA_DRONT - main LORD - main donator​​
  • Kotovskin (15.03.2017-15.01.2018)
  • iAix (07.06.2017-07.12.2017)
  • 1_DIVERSANT TNX! (26.07.2017 - 26.09.2017) PEHOTA

VIP-players with VIP-slot DE servers:

  • TISHKA_DRONT - full VIP - main donator, payed to 2 year dedicated server in Germany
  • Kotovskin  (30.05.2017-15.11.2017) CQ, CQ HC, Infantry CQ, Infantry CQ small
  • Kotovskin (07.08.2017-25.11.2017)  Shanghai CQ, Shanghai  HC
  • IordX___(wait when Tishka registered Webmoney) (30.05.2017 - ...) | TDM HC, TDM
  • Chaos-Of-Hondon (18.06.2017 - 02.10.2017) | CQ HC, Golmud HC |
  • II--djMANGO--II (24.07.2017 - 24.09.2017) Infantry CQ, Infantry CQ small
  • Stalker_BJ_  (07.08.2017 - 07.02.2018) | Golmud, Golmud HC, bonus Golmud RU |
  • 1_DIVERSANT (07.08.2017 - 07.10.2017) | CQ,  CQ HC |

LORD-players in DE BF4:

  • TISHKA_DRONT - main donator,
  • Kotovskin  (30.05.2017-15.11.2017) CQ, CQ HC, Infantry CQ, Infantry CQ small
  • IordX ___((30.05.2017 - ...wait when Tishka registered Webmoney)
  • Kotovskin (28.07.2017-15.11.2017)  Shanghai CQ, Shanghai  HC
  • It might be you (Здесь можешь быть ты)

MOH 2010

VIP-players in MOH:

  • TISHKA DRONT - full VIP - main donator
  1. PUMCAT (25.04.2015 - 26.02.2019 ->  ) | COMBAT server
  2. [BULL]PhoenixSD (12.05.2015 - 12.11.2017) | COMBAT server
  3. [FR]maxime fr (22.05.2015 - 22.02.2019) | COMBAT server
  4. ALEKSIS1982 (08.03.2016 - 08.10.2018) | COMBAT server
  5. Heisenberg4004 (12.05.2017 - 06.12.2017) | COMBAT server
  6. Dhc1973 (16.08.2016-05.12.2017) | COMBAT server
  7. aitolos65 (11.05.2016-11.08.2017) | COMBAT server
  8. Chocolakula (16.05.2016-16.08.2017) | SECTOR server
  9. Yakutrus (31.05.2016-15.08.2018) | COMBAT server
  10. C0ndor SWE (12.06.2017-12.06.2018) | COMBAT server
  11. freddiekruger (12.07.2017-12.12.2017)  | COMBAT server
  12. The Icemann  (26.07.2017 - 26.02.2018)  | COMBAT server
  13. GunnySgtHartman (28.07.2017 - 28.09.2018)  | COMBAT server
  • Andrey43 (15.07.2015 - unlimit) He maked good idea about detect cheaters.

LORD-players in MOH:

  • TISHKA_DRONT (unlimited)
  1. Dhc1973 (10.09.1916 - 05.12.2017) | COMBAT server
  2. PUMCAT (10.09.1916 - 15.03.2019) | COMBAT server
  3. maxime fr (13.03.2017 - 03.11.2017) | COMBAT server
  4. Heisenberg4004 (12.05.2017 - 06.12.2017) | COMBAT server
  5. C0ndor SWE (12.06.2017-12.06.2018) | COMBAT server
Views: 2761 | Added by: tishkadront | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 11
1 tishkadront • 10:57, 18.06.2017
VIP active

Chaos-Of-Hondon (18.06.2017 - 18.09.2017) | CQ HC, Golmud HC |
2 tishkadront • 11:00, 18.06.2017
VIP active
C0ndor SWE (12.06.2017-12.04.2018) | Combat
3 ramblerru • 01:23, 19.07.2017
BIG TNX Your donation, VIP-status work with 12.07.2017-12.12.2017 to COMBAT no name server
4 ramblerru • 01:46, 19.07.2017
VIP time added  
C0ndor SWE (12.06.2017-12.04.2018) | Combat
+8 month
then end 12.12.2018
5 TISHKA_DRONT • 04:02, 25.08.2017
Oformitel77, спасибо за поддержку серверов, ЛОРД на ПЕХОТе включен с 17 авг по 17 окт
6 TISHKA_DRONT • 04:04, 25.08.2017
Alien_noobman?, спасибо за поддрежку серверовв. ВИПка включена с 25го августа по 25-е октября
7 ramblerru • 14:00, 12.10.2017
******* TOP-CLAN VIP *******
VIP use commands to chat:
!vip_mute nick  - MUTE player to 1day
!vip_unmute nick - UNmute player
= = = = = = = =
VIP set server mode to next round:
!vip_classic - set to CLASSIC mode
!vip_normal - set to NORMAL mode
!vip_hardcore - set to HARDCORE mode
!vip_infantry - set INFANTRY mode (NO vehicles)
Server auto-back to DEFAULT mode every round
= = = = = = = =
VIP set server Frequency to next round:
Server auto-back Frequency to default 30Ghz
= = = = = = = =
VIP set country for both team to next round:
1 - LEFT side team
2- RIGHT side team
!vip_team1_us - LEFT team to US
!vip_team2_ru - RIGHT team to RU
!vip_team1_cn - LEFT team to CHINA
= = = = = = = =
VIP set description of server (LOAD-game page)
in right side of screen, when player wait load game
in next round description back to default text
!vip_server YOUR TEXT
= = = = = = = =
VIP set BIG YELLOW welcome message
show once, when player first time spawned
BIG YELLOW WORDS to center of screen
!vip_welcome YOUR TEXT
in next round YELLOW TEXT back to default text
= = = = = = = =
VIP send to chat private message to players
Other players not see this messages:
!vip_tell_you YOUR PRIVATE TEXT
or use short command !111 NICK YOUR PRIVATE TEXT
= = = = = = = =
VIP join to server BEFORE any players, N1 in queue!
VIP have 5 vote when vote-time to next map
and VIP really choice map, if not vote other VIPs
= = = = = = = =
Minimal money for donate 6 euro (300rub)
Donate 6 euro and get VIP 1 server to 2 month
Donate 10 euro and get VIP 2 servers to 2 month
Donate 12 euro and get VIP 3 servers to 2 month
For donate - visit to site - FUNC.CLAN.su
= = = = = = = =
Commands in chat from any players:
all commands started from symbol "!"
!myguid - show your GUID
!myip - show your IP
!mytimes - show how many time you play in server
!guid playernick - show short GUID of other player
!loc playernick - show COUNTRY of other players
!times playernick -  show how many time he play in server
Donate and use VIP or LORD-status 3 euro per month
VIP - join to server without wait before PREMIUM accounts
VIP - use any weapon when WEAPON LIMIT active
VIP have 5 vote when vote-time to next map
3 euro per month (150 rub v mes)
******* Enjoy!  TOP-CLAN *******
0 Spam
8 maximus799 • 11:20, 20.10.2017
TISHKA_DRONT, привет! Сегодня сделал перевод (900р) для продления ВИП-статуса. С уважением, Trajan1.
0 Spam
9 evensixx6 • 21:56, 03.12.2017
I just donated 6 euros to get this - VIP: 6euro 2month to all 15 servers but where I activate this?
My nick is EVENNX on origin/BF4
10 ramblerru • 20:24, 08.12.2017
BIG TNX. Tomorrow i will add VIP to all servers.

I suddenly flew to another region of Russia for several thousand kilometers, there is a very slow Internet, I could not can add VIP, I tried. Tomorrow morning I will add VIP, when TAC will not be heavily loaded. When all the servers full of TAC respond very slowly and it's time to add VIPs to each server.
11 ramblerru • 20:17, 10.12.2017
i checked.
You cheater and continue use cheats
you red in bf4db.com
i back Your donation
Your VIP not can be active
